The film Deva was released on 31 Jan 2025 which was made in direction of Rosshan Andrrews. With genres like Thriller, Action, it has attracted audiences worldwide. Featuring Shahid Kapoor, Kubbra Sait, Pooja Hegde, Pavail Gulati, the movie showcases top performances throughout its 2h 33m.
The cast includes talents like Shahid Kapoor, who plays the character Dev Ambre, alongside Shahid Kapoor, Kubbra Sait, Girish Kulkarni, Pooja Hegde, Pavail Gulati. Supported by Kubbra Sait, Pooja Hegde, the performances are engaging and emotional.
Name | Character |
Kubbra Sait | |
Shahid Kapoor | Dev Ambre |
Abhilash Chaudhary | Jigar |
Pooja Hegde | Diya |
Pravessh Rana | Farhan Khan |
Heet Gandhi | |
Deepak soni | |
Pavail Gulati | |
Girish Kulkarni |
Produced by Zee Studios, Roy Kapur Films with a budget of $9,895,000, the film has received a solid 7/10. Set in India, it is now available in Hindi for fans of Action, Thriller.
Deva dives into themes of Action, Thriller, offering a gripping storyline. With meticulous direction by Rosshan Andrrews, every scene is brought to life by actors like Pavail, Pooja, Girish, Kubbra, Shahid.
Despite its Released, the movie has a 34.917 score and over 1000+ votes. The runtime of 2h 33m is well-paced to keep audiences hooked, making it a must-watch in Hindi.
The film Deva, released on 31 Jan 2025, has drawn immense attention with a popularity score of 34.917. With a runtime of 2h 33m, it features stellar performances by Pavail Gulati, Shahid Kapoor, Pooja Hegde, including Shahid Kapoor as Dev Ambre.
Directed by Rosshan Andrrews, it captures the essence of Action, Thriller with stories that connect globally. Produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur, Umesh Kr. Bansal and brought to life by Zee Studios, Roy Kapur Films, the movie has surpassed expectations with over 1000+ votes. Available in Hindi and filmed in India, this Thriller, Action masterpiece is a must-watch.
Who performs in Deva?
The main roles are played by Kubbra Sait, Pooja Hegde and other remarkable actors like Pavail Gulati, Shahid Kapoor, Pooja Hegde.
How long is the Deva?
The show has run time of 153 minutes.
Who had directed Deva?
Rosshan Andrrews has completed the direction for this.
What kind of movie is Deva?
The film falls under Action, Thriller.
Is Deva really popular?
Yes, it has popularity score of 34.917 and got ratings of 7/10 out of 10 from viewers.